Places to go ......


quite often, we receive questions like "I'm next month in Berlin, Germany. Do you have any recommendations, which places to see, i.e. museums, flea markets, antik stores, etc."

We put together the information we have on hand and offer them below as a start.

If you have places, you would recommend to your fellow collector to see, pls. drop us a mail and we will be glad to add it.

Any help is appreciated.


  Technisches Museum Wien

- very interesting museum, in big part related to Austrian inventions. Calculating section is small but very special. They have a very beautiful Braun machine from 1727. Just to see this machine is worth the trip. In addition you can see Autarith, Austria ...

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Musée des arts et métiers   (CNAM) in Paris

- one of the most interesting technology museum.

Must see. Bollee, Pascal, Thomas, Roth and many other machines. They have very rich collection not available to public.

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Link to collection

Book containing a lot of museum artifacts

  Arithmeum in Bonn

a "paradise" for calculator collectors, they have everything

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Deutsches Museum in München

- one of the best technology museums that I have seen. Unfortunately I underestimated the time that I need to see this museum (as usual). They have a few beautiful machines, some probably inherited from Brunsviga collection. You can find there two Schuster machines, Braun (1736), Bollée, Thomas, Rema prototype with keyboard and many other  historical and unusual machines.

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  Landesmuseum Braunschweig in Braunschweig


A very nice regional museum, showing the history of Braunschweig. They have one of the best collection of calculating devices in the world, unfortunately not available to public. This collection

was initially created by Eng. Trinks from Brunsviga manufacturing company. In 2008 they had a beautiful exhibit of the Brunsviga calculating machines.

Catalogue might be still available from their site. Many pictures from this exhibit are available on our website. On the permanent exhibit there are a few beautiful Brunsvigas and Brunsviga advertising posters.

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Muzeum Techniki in Warsaw

They have relatively small computing section which is not always opened. They have a very beautiful Staffel adding machine from 1842.


Collegium Maius in Cracow

This is a museum belonging to one of the oldest universities in Europe - Jagiellonian University. They have a relatively small but very interesting collection related to scientific instruments used at the university. A small part of the collection are mathematical instruments. They also have an early Polish adding device from 1845 designed by Selig Slonimski and made by Jacob Pik. Slonimski invented a carry mechanism that was later used by Khummer in his slide adder.

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United Kingdom  

Science Museum in London

- very interesting technology museum. A lot of beautiful mathematical instruments.

Must see. Babbage Difference Engine, a lot of early adding and multiplying devices, short handle Brunsviga, Stanhope, Roth, reproduction of Pascal ...

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Link to "Mathematic" objects

  Computer History Museum - in Mountain View, CA

they claim to have one of the largest collections related to computing. They focus on computers and information technology, however they have also a lot of artifacts related to early computing.  I have not been there yet.

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Museum of Business History and Technology, Wilmington DE

Must see! Make an appointment before you go there. Check on how to do this. Museum is based on Thomas Russo collection. Thomas has been collecting devices related to business technology: typewriters, calculating devices, copying machines etc since 1950ies. If you could find it in the office, you should find there. He authored beautifully illustrated books with artifacts from his collection. One can see majority of his artifacts there, but it is not the same to see them in the book and to be able to experience them. Collection is especially rich in Americana. You can find many early XIX c calculating devices: Baldwin Arithmometer, Hatfield, Fowler’s Adding Machine, Hart, Groesbeck, Bill (patent model), various Webb and Webb like adders, Spalding, Stephenson adders, Universal… A lot of unique and extremely rare devices.

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NMAH, Washington DC (USA), part of Smithsonian Institution

You can visit and search their vast collection on the web. Web site has a well defined format, each entry is well descibed, with beautiful pictures. Fantastic! They have one of the most important calculator collections, unfortunately they do not show any in the museum. If you want to see the collection in person, try to write to the museum curator. On their website you can see Thomas from 1822 (the only known model), Hill, Scheutz Difference Engine, Baldwin Calculating Engine, patent models of many XIX C adding and calculating devices and two Odhner models from 1876.

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